Thursday, 12 February 2015

Briary Gap Drama Competition

27th January 2015 was the day when all of Transition Year headed out to Mullingar to participate in a Drama Competition. In honesty I wasn't as nervous as I usually would be and I thought it helped me build up my confidence. I've never had a main role in a play and this was a good experience. Our play was about child abuse titled, 'Speak Up.' I play the role of a girl named 'Olivia,' who's the friend of the main character (Evin) who gets abused by his mother. 

We were one of the first schools to arrive at the theatre and we were second on the list to perform. After our performance, we talked to the judge and he told us some things that needs to be worked on which would be helpful for the future. I think we did really good and everyone did a great job. 

After seeing some of the plays, we went to McDonalds to have something eat and went back to the theatre to watch one more play before we headed back to Celbridge. I certainly had a great time and it was a great experience. 

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Work Experience 2

11th Febraury 2015:

This was my first day at my second work placement. My second placement is at a primary school, St. Patrick's Primrary School. I will be working with the Junior and Senior Infant Classes as they need more help especially the teachers. The first person I talked to was the secretary and I then got to meet the principal of the school who is also my supervisor. 

I helped one of the junior infant classes and my first task was to photocopy some homework and I then helped the pupils with their art. For their art they were to make eskimos and I helped them with that, then it was time for my first break. I met some of the staffs and they were really kind. After my break, I went out for my yard duty. 

I continued helping the pupils with their art and then my supervisor gave me a task to do after helping the infants with their art. Afterwards, I did the task I was given which was to stick some photographs on the walls of the school hallway. The clock struck 2.40 and it was then time for me to head home. I emjoyed my first day and I'm excited to come back in for the next few weeks. 

BT Young Scientist

Transition year and 2nd year students went to the BT Young Scientist, the event was held at the RDS just like every year. We had students from our school who submitted their science project and took part of the event, and we were there to support them. There were many schools from all over the country that participated the BT Young Scientist. There were many different science projects from different schools and I had the chance to look at some. My favourite project was the one where electricity can flow through fruits.